Quiz App

Practice your Algorithms & Data Structures Knowledge

Quiz App

This app helps you prepare for coding interviews on the web, anywhere, anytime. Review and practice topics that are commonly covered in technical interviews such as Data Structures and Algorithms, and Time Complexities.

One of the reasons self-taught developers and Coding Bootcamp graduates struggle to find a job is the lack of computer science concepts such as data Structures, Algorithms and Time Complexity that are commonly covered in technical interviews.

While bootcamps can create awareness within their curriculum, the time allocated for these problematic subjects is simply not enough. In the case of self-taught developers, the internet has wide variaty of resources that makes it difficult for an inexperienced person to comb through ro discover what resource is the best that is within their skill level and maybe some more but not too far detached from thier current understanding. That's actually why bootcamp industry thrives by providing just enough but structured knowledge and practice.


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